@extends('frontend.layout') @section('pageHeading') {{ __('Home') }} @endsection @php $metaKeywords = !empty($seo->meta_keyword_home) ? $seo->meta_keyword_home : ''; $metaDescription = !empty($seo->meta_description_home) ? $seo->meta_description_home : ''; @endphp @section('meta-keywords', "{{ $metaKeywords }}") @section('meta-description', "$metaDescription") @section('hero-section') @if ($heroSection)

{{ $heroSection ? $heroSection->first_title : __('Event Ticketing and Booking System') }}

{{ $heroSection ? $heroSection->second_title : __('This is an affordable and powerful event ticketing platform for event organisers, promoters, and managers. Easily create, promote and sell tickets to your events of every type and size.') }}

@endsection @section('content') @if ($secInfo->featured_section_status == 1)

{{ $secTitleInfo ? $secTitleInfo->event_section_title : __('Featured Events') }}

@if (count($eventCategories) < 1)

{{ __('No Events Found') }}

  • {{ __('All') }}
  • @foreach ($eventCategories as $item)
  • {{ $item->name }}
  • @endforeach
@foreach ($eventCategories as $item) @php $now_time = \Carbon\Carbon::now(); $events = DB::table('event_contents') ->join('events', 'events.id', '=', 'event_contents.event_id') ->where([['event_contents.event_category_id', '=', $item->id], ['event_contents.language_id', '=', $currentLanguageInfo->id], ['events.status', 1], ['events.end_date_time', '>=', $now_time], ['events.is_featured', '=', 'yes']]) ->orderBy('events.created_at', 'desc') ->get(); @endphp @foreach ($events as $event)
    @php if ($event->date_type == 'multiple') { $event_date = eventLatestDates($event->id); $date = strtotime(@$event_date->start_date); } else { $date = strtotime($event->start_date); } @endphp
  • {{ date('d M', $date) }}
  • {{ $event->date_type == 'multiple' ? @$event_date->duration : $event->duration }}
  • @php $start_time = strtotime($event->start_time); @endphp {{ date('h:s A', $start_time) }}
@if ($event->organizer_id != null) @php $organizer = App\Models\Organizer::where('id', $event->organizer_id)->first(); @endphp @if ($organizer) {{ __('By') }}  {{ $organizer->username }} @endif @else @php $admin = App\Models\Admin::first(); @endphp {{ $admin->username }} @endif
@if (strlen($event->title) > 30) {{ mb_substr($event->title, 0, 30) . '...' }} @else {{ $event->title }} @endif
@php $desc = strip_tags($event->description); @endphp @if (strlen($desc) > 100)

{{ mb_substr($desc, 0, 100) . '....' }}


{{ $desc }}

@endif @php if ($event->event_type == 'online') { $ticket = App\Models\Event\Ticket::where('event_id', $event->id) ->orderBy('price', 'asc') ->first(); } else { $ticket = App\Models\Event\Ticket::where([['event_id', $event->id], ['price', '!=', null]]) ->orderBy('price', 'asc') ->first(); if (empty($ticket)) { $ticket = App\Models\Event\Ticket::where([['event_id', $event->id], ['f_price', '!=', null]]) ->orderBy('price', 'asc') ->first(); } } $event_count = DB::table('tickets') ->where('event_id', $event->id) ->get() ->count(); @endphp
@if ($event->event_type == 'venue') @if ($event->city != null) {{ $event->city }} @endif @if ($event->country) , {{ $event->country }} @endif @else {{ __('Online') }} @endif
@if ($ticket) @if ($ticket->event_type == 'online') @if ($ticket->price != null) @if ($ticket->early_bird_discount == 'enable') @php $discount_date = Carbon\Carbon::parse($ticket->early_bird_discount_date . $ticket->early_bird_discount_time); @endphp @if ($ticket->early_bird_discount_type == 'fixed' && !$discount_date->isPast()) @php $calculate_price = $ticket->price - $ticket->early_bird_discount_amount; @endphp {{ symbolPrice($calculate_price) }} {{ symbolPrice($ticket->price) }} @elseif ($ticket->early_bird_discount_type == 'percentage' && !$discount_date->isPast()) @php $p_price = ($ticket->price * $ticket->early_bird_discount_amount) / 100; $calculate_price = $ticket->price - $p_price; @endphp {{ symbolPrice($calculate_price) }} {{ symbolPrice($ticket->price) }} @else @php $calculate_price = $ticket->price; @endphp {{ symbolPrice($calculate_price) }} @endif @else @php $calculate_price = $ticket->price; @endphp {{ symbolPrice($calculate_price) }} @endif @else {{ __('Free') }} @endif @endif @if ($ticket->event_type == 'venue') @if ($ticket->pricing_type == 'variation') @php $variation = json_decode($ticket->variations, true); $v_min_price = array_reduce( $variation, function ($a, $b) { return $a['price'] < $b['price'] ? $a : $b; }, array_shift($variation), ); $price = $v_min_price['price']; @endphp @if ($currentLanguageInfo->direction == 1) {{ $event_count > 1 ? '*' : '' }} @endif @if ($ticket->early_bird_discount == 'enable') @php $discount_date = Carbon\Carbon::parse($ticket->early_bird_discount_date . $ticket->early_bird_discount_time); @endphp @if ($ticket->early_bird_discount_type == 'fixed' && !$discount_date->isPast()) @php $calculate_price = $price - $ticket->early_bird_discount_amount; @endphp {{ symbolPrice($calculate_price) }} {{ symbolPrice($price) }} @elseif ($ticket->early_bird_discount_type == 'percentage' && !$discount_date->isPast()) @php $p_price = ($price * $ticket->early_bird_discount_amount) / 100; $calculate_price = $p_price - $price; @endphp {{ symbolPrice($calculate_price) }} {{ symbolPrice($price) }} @else @php $calculate_price = $price; @endphp {{ symbolPrice($calculate_price) }} @endif @else @php $calculate_price = $price; @endphp {{ symbolPrice($calculate_price) }} @endif @if ($currentLanguageInfo->direction != 1) {{ $event_count > 1 ? '*' : '' }} @endif @elseif($ticket->pricing_type == 'normal') @if ($currentLanguageInfo->direction == 1) {{ $event_count > 1 ? '*' : '' }} @endif @if ($ticket->early_bird_discount == 'enable') {{-- check discount date over or not --}} @php $discount_date = Carbon\Carbon::parse($ticket->early_bird_discount_date . $ticket->early_bird_discount_time); @endphp @if ($ticket->early_bird_discount_type == 'fixed' && !$discount_date->isPast()) @php $calculate_price = $ticket->price - $ticket->early_bird_discount_amount; @endphp {{ symbolPrice($calculate_price) }} {{ symbolPrice($ticket->price) }} @elseif ($ticket->early_bird_discount_type == 'percentage' && !$discount_date->isPast()) @php $p_price = ($ticket->price * $ticket->early_bird_discount_amount) / 100; $calculate_price = $ticket->price - $p_price; @endphp {{ symbolPrice($calculate_price) }} {{ symbolPrice($ticket->price) }} @else @php $calculate_price = $ticket->price; @endphp {{ symbolPrice($calculate_price) }} @endif @else @php $calculate_price = $ticket->price; @endphp {{ symbolPrice($calculate_price) }} @endif @if ($currentLanguageInfo->direction != 1) {{ $event_count > 1 ? '*' : '' }} @endif @else {{ __('Free') }} {{ $event_count > 1 ? '*' : '' }} @endif @endif @endif
@if (Auth::guard('customer')->check()) @php $customer_id = Auth::guard('customer')->user()->id; $event_id = $event->id; $checkWishList = checkWishList($event_id, $customer_id); @endphp @else @php $checkWishList = false; @endphp @endif
@endforeach @endforeach
@if (!empty(showAd(3)))
{!! showAd(3) !!}
@endif @if ($secInfo->categories_section_status == 1)

{{ $secTitleInfo ? $secTitleInfo->category_section_title : __('Categories') }}

@if (count($eventCategories) > 0) @foreach ($eventCategories as $item) Category
{{ $item->name }}
@endforeach @else

{{ __('No Category Found') }}

@endif @if ($secInfo->about_section_status == 1)
@if (is_null($aboutUsSection))

{{ __('No data found for about section') }}

@if (!is_null($aboutUsSection)) About @endif

{{ $aboutUsSection ? $aboutUsSection->title : '' }}

{{ $aboutUsSection ? $aboutUsSection->subtitle : '' }}

{!! $aboutUsSection ? $aboutUsSection->text : '' !!}
@if ($secInfo->features_section_status == 1)

{{ $featureEventSection ? $featureEventSection->title : '' }}

{{ $featureEventSection ? $featureEventSection->text : '' }}

@if (count($featureEventItems) < 1)

{{ __('No data found for features section') }}

@foreach ($featureEventItems as $item)
{{ $item->title }}

{{ $item->text }}

@endif @if ($secInfo->how_work_section_status == 1) @if ($howWork)

{{ $howWork->title }}

{{ $howWork->text }}

@foreach ($howWorkItems as $item)
{{ $item->serial_number }}

{{ $item->title }}

{{ $item->text }}


{{ __('No Data Found for how work section') }}

@endif @endif
@if ($secInfo->testimonials_section_status == 1)

{{ $testimonialData ? $testimonialData->title : __('What say our client about us') }}

{{ $testimonialData ? $testimonialData->text : '' }}

@if (!is_null($testimonialData)) Reviewer @else Reviewer @endif
{{ $testimonialData ? $testimonialData->review_text : __('0 Clients Reviews') }}
@if (count($testimonials) > 0)
@foreach ($testimonials as $item)
{{ $item->name }}
{{ $item->occupation }}
@for ($i = 1; $i <= $item->rating; $i++) @endfor

{{ $item->comment }}


{{ __('No Review Found') }}


@endif @if ($secInfo->partner_section_status == 1)

{{ $partnerInfo ? $partnerInfo->title : __('Our Partner') }}

{{ $partnerInfo ? $partnerInfo->text : '' }}

@if (count($partners) > 0) @foreach ($partners as $item)
Client Logo
@endforeach @else
{{ __('No Partner Found') }}
@endif @endsection