@extends('backend.layout') @section('content')
{{ __('Add Popup') . ' (' . __('Type') . ' - ' . $popupType . ')' }}
{{ __('Back') }}

{{ __('Choose Image') }}

{{ __('This name will not appear in UI. Rather then, it will help the admin to identify the popup') }}

@if ($popupType == 2 || $popupType == 3 || $popupType == 7)

@endif @if ($popupType == 2 || $popupType == 3)

{{ __('This will decide the transparency level of the color') }}
{{ __('Value must be between 0 to 1') }}
{{ __('Transparency level will be lower with the increment of the value') }}

@endif @if ($popupType == 2 || $popupType == 3 || $popupType == 4 || $popupType == 5 || $popupType == 6 || $popupType == 7)

@endif @if ($popupType == 2 || $popupType == 4 || $popupType == 6 || $popupType == 7)

@endif @if ($popupType == 6 || $popupType == 7)


{{ __('Popup will appear in UI after this delay time') }}

{{ __('If there are multiple active popups, then popups will be shown in UI according to serial number') }}
{{ __('The higher the serial number is, the later the Popup will be shown') }}

@endsection @section('script') @endsection